Monday, December 6, 2010


                                       ANDHRA PRADESH HIGH COURT 

High Court follows certain procedure in its daily work. The high Court works from monday to friday.The Timings are from 10:30 A.M. to 4:15 P.M.with a lunch break at 1:30 P.M. to 2:15P.M. There are 49 courts in the High Court of AP.The judges takes their seats in court halls sharp 10:30 A.M , any urgent matters and adjournments may be mentioned at this time and may request for lunch motion which would called for hearing at 2:15 P.M.,The court master would call each case and if we want know about the case which was called at your absence in the court you can en quire about the same with the court master or you can ask the attender about the case.  At 1:30P.M. the advocates can mention for adjournments even at the time when the judges are getting down for lunch break with their kind permission i.e at 1:30P.M. and also at the time they are taking seat after lunch i.e at 2:15 P.M. and again at the time the judges get down i.e at 4:15P.M. for adjournments of the cases which are not reached. The judges take up the motion list at 10:30A.M and daily list continues. Motion List includes the fresh admission matters which are been filed the day before. The fresh CRP cases are been distributed among the judges basing on the district wise and the WP cases are distributed as per the allotment to th judges.  From monday to wednesday the admission cases of WPs and CRPs take place and on thursday and friday the final hearing cases are to be heard and on friday  the portfolio cases are also listed. Bails shall be taken up on every day i.e monday to friday. In Criminal cases they are alloted to judges by type of criminal cases like criminal petitions (bails and quash) , criminal revision cases , criminal appeals. The civil appeal cases like S.A and A.S shall also be alloted to the judges. CCCA shall be alloted. The W.A and PIL cases shall be alloted to the Chief Court (1st court). There also be matters which would be decided by the division bench consists of more than one judge. There also be matters which would be decided by Full Bench which consists of more than two judges. There also be C.C cases taken up by the judges.There are also MACMAs , CMAs , ARBAPPL , TRCMP , FCA .cases.